Art Treasure Totes
2024 Totes Artwork
Clayton Cafe by Diane Rush
Lady Slippers and Hummingbirds by Cathy Jowers
These are the talented Art Guild members who have donated hand-made artistic items to fill the Sassafras Treasure Totes.
Anna DeStefano
Danny Young
Dennis Trubey
Nicole Tomaszewski
Jo Mitchell
Deborah Bryant
Jerry Williamson
Tracy Maddox
Audrey Stamps
Valerie Wheeler
Donna Persinger
Joey Aldrich-Burel
Brenda Hutchings
Kimberley Adams
Kathy Ford
Anna-Marie Sullivan Morris
June Rollins
Audrey Stamps
Diana Winuk
Nancy Williamson
Amy Strickland
Lewis Hinely
Jean Mitchell
Alan Zarter
Joni Mitchell
Carol Nelms
Mary Lengnick
Roger Marcengill
Cathy Jowers
Diane Rush
Dietricht Hoecht
Allyson Aldrich
Katherine Parker
Kathy Beehler
Penny Bradley
Amy Strickland
Deborah Bryant
Alan Zarter
Carol Nelms
Jean Mitchell
Diana Winuk
Danny Young
Tracy Maddox
Mary Lengnick
Joni and Gary Mitchell
Roger and Gail Marsengill
Jo Mitchell
Jerry Williamson